30 Dec 2019

Porsche Diesel Junior 108

Engine:1 cyl

In 1956 the Allgaier Maschinenbau GmbH was converted into the Porsche Diesel Motorenbau GmbH located in Friedrichshafen at Lake Constance.

The engines built by Porsche-Diesel were based on tried and tested designs by Ferdinand Porsche.

In its heydays, in 1959 and 1960, the red painted tractors from Lake Constance ranked second in the German sales statistic.

During the eight years between 1956 and 1963, about 120,000 Porsche Diesel tractors were built.

Then came the end of an era - tractor production was discontinued by Porsche Diesel.

The model Junior was the smallest tractor of the Porsche-Diesel model line which had been reduced to only three base models in October 1957.

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